Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Chinese Space Programme

It is an undeniable fact that China is the world's fastest growing economy, having just overtaken Japan for the world's number two spot.  The Chinese will surpass the United States. However, while the Chinese are making undeniable gains here on Earth, the sudden announcement of a space station that launched its first astronaut only 8 years ago came as a bit of a shock, even for a nation whose intents in space have already raised a few eyebrows.
A few years ago, China announced a new missile that is capable of shooting down a satellite. Naturally, knowing that the Chinese have developed such a weapon (undoubtedly at great sacrifice) leads many to ask what they plan on using it for. Also, 4 years ago, the Chinese announced plans togo to the Moon, with the original target date being 2020. Needless to say, the Chinese have big plans for their space program, whose purpose remains, in the eyes of some, ambiguous.
So, why care at all?
Believe it or not, what goes on in space can have huge ramifications for what happens here on Earth. Think about it: do you have a cell phone? Satellite TV? GPS in your car? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, space has a direct impact on your life in a way that you probably took for granted. Now, while daily conveniences are nice for individuals, space can have a huge strategic importance for military planners.
For these reasons, plus many on Earth like a myriad of human rights abuses and a dictatorial, communist government, have some politicians are now openly questioning the intent of the Chinese space program. In fact, Congress recently held a hearing in Washington D.C. to debate this issue.
Result? Disagreement.
For those members who viewed China suspiciously, there were plenty of reasons to do so, namely the satellite killing missile, China's lack of openness about goals, and the country's political climate on Earth, which is hardly what most would consider ideal. On the other hand, those who see China as a potential ally in space also have their key points, namely China's ra[idly growing economy, which could make the nation a leader in the commercialization of space and thus an ideal business partner. Also, as China becomes more of a presence in space, there is hope that it will realize that antagonizing other space-faring nations is a bad idea and that cooperation is better than conflict.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Space shuttle prototypes

The X-24 was one of a group of lifting bodies flown by the NASA Flight Research Center  in a joint program with the U.S. Air Force at Edwards air force base in California from 1963 to 1975. The lifting bodies were used to demonstrate the ability of pilots to maneuver and safely land wingless vehicles designed to fly back to Earth from space and be landed like an airplane at a predetermined site.
The X-24B's design evolved from a family of potential reentry shapes, each with higher lift-to-drag ratios, proposed by the Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory. To reduce the costs of constructing a research vehicle, the Air Force returned the X-24A to the Martin Marietta Corporation (as Martin Aircraft Company became after a merger) for modifications that converted its bulbous shape into one resembling a "flying flatiron" -- rounded top, flat bottom, and a double delta planform that ended in a pointed nose.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Who is responsible?

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is an esteemed organization responsible for space research, which is controlled by the government of India and has over the years attained an enviable position of being one of the most prestigious and leading space research organizations in the world.
ISRO till date has successfully conducted different kinds of operations under the guidance of the Indian scientific community. In the last four decades they have been serving Indian and foreign clients with the help of their launch vehicle fleet. ISRO has over the years built many field installations and works together with the international space research community on many important bilateral and multilateral research agreements.